Bob McNair, the man who returned professional football to Houston, has dubbed his new team the Texans. Forgive us if we don't immediately share the jingoistic joy of the moniker. Last time we looked, much of the city had little to do with Texas (aside from obvious geography): Haven't seen too many folks in the Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean and Pakistani communities (to name but four) opening Texas barbecue joints or installing mechanical bulls in their dim sum or pho restaurants. Given the city's lust for bland Midtown condos, publicly financed stadia, downtown water parks and planned communities, we suggest that the Developers would be a far more accurate and fair nickname. Development, after all, knows no racial or ethnic boundaries. These promoters of "progress" have blithely affected almost everyone: African-Americans, Asians, Mexicans, Anglos -- hell, even the homeless. Considering sports teams are usually beloved by all socioeconomic levels of a community, the Houston Developers, if they happen to win the Super Bowl, could do more for the spirits of the displaced and disadvantaged than 10,000 new downtown lofts.