Some hoity-toity critics contend that David Adickes's sculptures -- which include the enormous statue of Sam Houston set along Interstate 45 -- are more roadside kitsch than art. Love him or loathe him, the parking lot to his studio represents the city's best, and most surreal, public arts project (in progress). Amid warehouses and rail lines, with the downtown skyline as its backdrop, the lot contains dozens of 20-foot-tall concrete statues of American presidents. These comprise his third set of presidential busts, which are bound for Florida. The others are displayed in parks in Williamsburg, Virginia, and near Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. We suggest you check them out before they disappear. Last time we were there, a young Austinite scampered up to George W. Bush, dropped his drawers and flashed a full moon while his gal snapped a picture. If that isn't art, what is?