The Houston 48 Hour Film Project is for both your viewing and participating pleasure. Houstonians get the chance not only to watch films created in the titular time frame, but also create one themselves. Teams are given a list of guidelines, including a genre and a prop, a line and a character that must be used to create their own seven-minute masterpiece. Winners selected by the judges go on to the national competition in Phoenix. This year's contest attracted so much attention that the number of entries was capped, and the screening of the locally made films nearly sold out the River Oaks Theatre in March. Sure, most of the entries wouldn't stand up to the offerings at other local festivals, but how many others feature a drug cartel that actually runs meat, a fridge that opens up to the Hobby Center stage or a radio show featuring a sexy chef, who was actually a Houston Press staff writer? (Hey, how do you think we knew it was so fun?)