—————————————————— Odd Pair: Peeps and Toad Hollow Risqué Sparkling Wine | Houston Press

Pot Luck

Odd Pair: Peeps and Toad Hollow Risqué Sparkling Wine

We know Easter is coming when Peeps start popping up in the grocery store candy aisle. To be honest, we think they taste pretty bad, but we still have a soft spot for these nostalgic Easter classics. Maybe that's why they're the bestselling non-chocolate Easter candy.

What you may not know is that Peeps now come in a variety of flavors and colors. For Easter, Just Born, the maker of Peeps, sells its well-known bunnies and chicks in traditional pastel colors - yellow, pink, lavender, blue, green and orange. But you can also find chocolate-covered marshmallows, chocolate mousse-flavored bunnies and even sugar-free yellow chicks. This is in addition to their other seasonal lines, which include Halloween and Valentine's Day candies.

People have made art with Peeps, conducted scientific experiments with Peeps, and cooked with Peeps. But can you drink wine with them?

"The problem with Peeps is that they're just sugar and gelatin," explained our wine guru. (They also have carnauba wax, but who's looking?) "You need to pair the Peeps with something sweet to close the gap." His suggestion was the Toad Hollow Risqué. "The creamy, almond flavor and sweetness will be your best bet with Peeps," he said.

Well, he was right. The Peeps and Risqué did pair well together, but the combo was still sickeningly sweet. Our mouths felt like they were coated in sugar, reminding us of the sugary aftertaste of a Coke. We were begging for some salty potato chips.

In the future, we'll probably just stick with Peeps as a festive Easter basket filler instead of a snack with wine.