Pot Luck

Donut Patrol: Boudin Kolaches

Spicy pork filling on the inside, moist sweet dough bun on the outside -- a boudin kolache and a hot cup of coffee is as good as a Houston breakfast gets. We first learned about boudin kolaches last week from the reader who calls him or herself Sepatown. They are available at the Shipley's at North Main, and only on the weekend. (I brought my own Katz's Bayou Blend coffee in a car thermos.)

The combination of Cajun boudin and Czech kolaches staggers the imagination. I imagine the Genesis story must start with something like: So Boudreaux and Katarina got married and opened a bakery. If, by chance, you know of someplace else that sells boudin kolaches (or any other interesting fusion kolaches), please let us know so we can check them out.