—————————————————— Cutout Bin: Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Home Computers | Houston Press


Cutout Bin: Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Home Computers

Everything You've Always Wanted To Know About Home Computers

Narrated by Steve Allen & Jayne Meadows, 1983

The kids just wouldn't shut up about it. You gave in. You made the purchase. You brought it home. Now the brand new TRS-80 microcomputer is sitting on the floor amidst a pile of Styrofoam and wires. NOW WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO???

Luckily, Steve Allen (with special guest Jayne Meadows) is here to answer all your questions! How do I plug this thing in to the TV? Steve knows. Why is there no place to put in the typing paper? Steve can tell you. How can I make my name scroll endlessly down the screen? With few short lessons from Steve, you'll know, too.

Think of the things you'll be able to do. Make a pie chart! (I can't imagine what you might need to make a pie chart for, but if you think of something, you'll be ready to go!) You can print out barely readable monochromatic labels! You can make an address book that will take five times longer to open than your old paper one!

You can play exciting games: That green dot? That's you! Look, you can move around. Watch out for the red dots, or it's game over! Man, how did I live before my Home Computer???

This record would be a lot more fun if the "16 page illustrated instruction booklet" were not missing. Most of all I want to see the "Simulator Practice Computer Keyboard" as promised on the back cover.

"Set up just like a real home computer keyboard! Now you can learn how to use a computer without having to own one!" Awesome! Pull up a chair, put on your Snuggie™, and start learning about computers!

Contact the author at bizarrerecords.com.