“Who are the Homeless? – Photographs by Bob Levy”

Look into the eyes of Houston’s most in need at “Who are the Homeless? — Photographs by Bob Levy” and you’ll see strength, determination, sass, fear and even happiness. Levy photographed clients of The Beacon, a downtown homeless center, and, far from the usual image of the aggressive panhandler, we see women, former businessmen, decorated war veterans, people who were once our neighbors and co-workers, and, yes, the occasional ex-con. Levy seems to be answering his own question: Who are the homeless? They could be anyone. We leave you to ponder the irony of the exhibit’s location — City Hall. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Through May 29. 611 Walker. For information, call 713-837-0311 or visit www.houstontx.gov. Free.
Mondays-Fridays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Starts: April 28. Continues through May 31, 2009