Look into the eyes of Houstons most in need at Who are the Homeless? Photographs by Bob Levy and youll see strength, determination, sass, fear and even happiness. Levy photographed clients of The Beacon, a downtown homeless center, and, far from the usual image of the aggressive panhandler, we see women, former businessmen, decorated war veterans, people who were once our neighbors and co-workers, and, yes, the occasional ex-con. Levy seems to be answering his own question: Who are the homeless? They could be anyone. We leave you to ponder the irony of the exhibits location City Hall. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Through May 29. 611 Walker. For information, call 713-837-0311 or visit www.houstontx.gov. Free.
Mondays-Fridays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Starts: April 28. Continues through May 31, 2009