

OK Go Exudes Viral-Video Enthusiasm In Concert Too

OK Go Warehouse Live April 19, 2015

A camera that was affixed to Damian Kulash's microphone plastered the lead singer of OK Go's sweaty forehead onscreen behind him as he fielded questions from the crowd halfway through the band's set Friday night. During the Q&A session, audience members learned that his rock-star idol is Sam Cooke, that the band maintains its awesomeness through the love of pizza and puppies, and that Kulash has no interest in disrobing onstage.

"Take it off!", yelled a young woman who had been tapped by the band.

"That's not even close to a question," Kulash laughed. "People very frequently go, 'Hey, will you play this song?' And because there's a question market at the end of it, they think it's a question when, in fact, it's a demand...But you're not even fronting with the question mark."

Standing in between two mesh screens, onto which animations and videos were displayed throughout the evening, OK Go serenaded a packed Warehouse Live for 90 minutes Friday night, captivating an enthusiastic audience that was undeterred by the torrential downpour.

For their second song, the front mesh fell away and confetti was shot into the crowd as they played "The Writing's On the Wall." The band itself was still for much of the show, allowing the visuals to amuse audience members' eyes while the group focused on the music.

During "I Want You So Bad," the backing screen depicted a kind of three-dimensional Tetris game, with the viewers taking on the point of view of a falling block. It was the kind of scene that made you reconsider abstaining from mind-altering substances, if only momentarily. (Only kidding, Ralph!)

Kulash and crew even recorded the crowd stomping, clapping and hissing to use as the percussion in one of their songs, complimenting the crowd on its aptitude for sounding like a drum set. And despite performing roughly 20 songs, the band made plenty of time to interact with their fans.

Story continues on the next page.