Sid (the villain from Toy Story, or less a villain and more just a disturbed kid)
J-Dawg. It has to be. He's just been killing everyone. If we woke up tomorrow and found an email in our inbox that was a link to a news story about how J-Dawg had a home full of tortured rappers (toys) and recently tried to strap a fellow rapper to a gigantic bottle rocket, we'd be like, "Yeah, AND...?"
Rex certainly carries the capacity to be intimidating - he's big and strong and fierce and generally an okay dinosaur - but he mostly spends his time as comic relief. Anyone here follow Slim Thug on Twitter? That's his whole thing. He's funny even when he's not trying to be. Remember when he joked about hating when you're trying to sleep with a girl and she says something serious like, "I was raped once"? Probably the greatest tweet in history.
That Crane Machine Full of Those Little Green Aliens
Oooh, that's H.I.S.D., in part because of the spaciness of their new album The Weakened, but mostly because there are a crap load of both. (That, by the way, will never get old. You can expect a "Man, There Are A Lot of People In H.I.S.D." joke in every column that mentions them for the rest of time. There are just so many of them. They multiply like goddamn gremlins.
Thanks for your continued support. Include any parts we missed in the comments. Where does Devin play into this? 'Face? Bushwick? Ro?