Houston Music

Weston Brown Band: Just The Facts, Sirs

Each Wednesday, Rocks Off arbitrarily appoints one lucky local performer or group "Artist of the Week," bestowing upon them all the fame and grandeur such a lofty title implies. Know a band or artist that isn't awful? Email their particulars to [email protected].

If we were to divvy up the Artist of the Week roll call, everyone that's been featured would inevitably fall into one of three categories:

  • These guys are pretty good. Let's digest them for a few days (or weeks) and see what happens.
  • These guys are interesting/quirky/odd/wacky/zany/incendiary. Let's feature them next week and see what happens in the Comments section.
  • Man, these guys are damned good. Let's feature them immediately, heap praise on them, then cross our fingers and hope they get famous and remember us and buy us a car or boat or animal that's on the endangered species list or something.

Weston Brown Band fits into that third category.

WBB is a two-year-old folksy, acoustic rock quartet whose most obvious strength is that they manage to roll up a genuine small-town charm into a big-time and marketable sound. So we reached out to the sirs to cut it up about their live shows, the best thing they see about themselves and when and where you can see them next. That Pacific giant glass frog is as good as ours.

Rocks Off: The standard Artist of the Week opener: In only six words, describe everything important there is to know about the Weston Harvey Brown Band.

Weston Brown Band: A Powerful 4-Piece Acoustic Rock Band.

Weston Brown Band, "7 Days"

Weston Brown Band, "7 Days"

RO: Name two things that people will absolutely see at one of y'all's live shows. If one of them is "boobs," don't even worry about listing the other.

WBB: The two things you are guaranteed to see at one of our shows? High-energy attack of lyrical proportions, with a side of screaming signature guitar leads and solid core rhythm section to wash it all down.

And you'll have a great time

RO: What is the best thing about this band?

WBB: The best thing about this band is that we feel we're a breath of fresh air in the Houston music scene. Heavy and alternative bands are a dime a dozen in any city, but our sound is a nice mix of acoustic/'90s/pop/alternative with catchy melodies and often thoughtful and descriptive lyrics that any age group, or race, can enjoy.

RO: When, where and for how much can people see you all perform next?

WBB: Our next original show will be Nov. 12, 2010, at Main Street Crossing in Tomball with Dimitri's Rail. There will be a $10 cover.

See Weston Brown Band online at www.westonbrownband.com.

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