—————————————————— Inspiration 2021: Reflect, Laugh, and Set Your Goal for the New Year | Houston, TX (This Is An Online Event) Webinar | Announcements, Benefits, Community Events | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas

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Inspiration 2021: Reflect, Laugh, and Set Your Goal for the New Year

The holiday season and all its energies will soon be upon us, so there is no better time to reflect, laugh, and get ready for the New Year. We would all probably agree that 2020 was a unique year and challenging in many ways. That does not mean it cannot also offer great insight to move us forward. We can utilize these experiences to maximize all we seek in 2021. How do we do that? How do we hold our highs and lows of the past year in self-reflection to apply our learning in the pursuit of happiness and wholeness? Please join us for a festive and reflective 90 minute talk that is open to everyone. We welcome newcomers and seasoned practitioners alike to enjoy conversation and set their sights for the New Year. Lama Rigzin Drolma (Dr. Anne Klein) and Lama Mangyal Dorje (Dr Harvey Aronson) will lead us to place into context the past year and set our intentions for 2021. This gathering is an online Dawn Mountain benefit event offered to everyone who wishes to participate and set their goals for 2021. So, please share with friends and family. No previous experience or practice is necessary. We are suggesting contribution levels of $50, $150 and $250, and you can give any amount to participate (please enter your donation amount on the last page of the registration form before you click "complete registration"). We ask you to give as generously as you are able. Your contribution supports Dawn Mountain's core value of compassion and bringing more of it into the world through our teachings and programs. Your gift is 100% tax deductible. We look forward to seeing you on November 22. [Organizer's description]