

Weather Week: Get Your Sweaters Out of Summer Storage

Ok, NOW you can go get a pumpkin. The weather almost necessitates it.
Photo by Jasleen Kaur via Flickr
Ok, NOW you can go get a pumpkin. The weather almost necessitates it.
Walking around outside on Sunday was a confusing experience. On one hand, the skies were a brilliant blue and there was a brisk breeze that, while in the shade, felt almost pleasant. On the other, the minute you walked into the sun, you immediately forgot it was mid-October. With temperatures topping 90 degrees, it was still brutally and unseasonably warm.

That, however, is over. An early-morning cold front pushing through Houston Monday is going to change the weather pattern considerably not just this week but over the coming weeks. In short, fall has arrived for real.

Looking at the temperatures over the weekend, it was difficult to imagine the crisp, cloudy fall weather that is on tap for the week. Shorts and T-shirts felt appropriate. But, if you hadn't dug into the drawer for a sweater, now might be the time.

Monday's high temperature came in the overnight hours before the front. As temperatures steadily drop today, it will get progressively chilly. By Tuesday morning, we should have lows across the region (with the exception of right along the coast) in the 50s. Rain and clouds will remain on Tuesday with highs in the, get this, low 60s and lows hovering in the mid 50s.

As the week continues, temperatures should warm slightly, but we should see considerable clouds and periods of rain showers pretty much every day. Friday will probably the warmest as temperatures climb back into the mid and upper 70s ahead of another front that should clear out the rain, but don't expect highs above the low 70s Wednesday or Thursday.

Going forward, this is the time of year when fronts tend to line up one after the other and that pattern does appear to be falling into place. For now, the first real cold front has arrived, so grab a jacket and embrace the end of summer once and for all.