—————————————————— SunChips Compostable Bags "Too Loud" - Frito-Lay Says To Hell with Planet | Houston Press

Pot Luck

SunChips Compostable Bags "Too Loud" - Frito-Lay Says To Hell with Planet

Frito-Lay first launched a new, innovative line of compost-able packaging made entirely from plants for their SunChips brand in April of 2009. Less than 18 months later, the company is returning to the original plastic packaging on five of six flavor varieties.

What are they thinking? Apparently, the new biodegradable bags are "too loud."

Yes, that's right. Numerous noise complaints about the bags and Facebook groups such as "I Wanted SunChips But My Roommate Was Sleeping..." and "Nothing is Louder Than a SunChips Bag" are allegedly what prompted Frito-Lay to nix the eco-friendly bags. Spokeswoman Aurora Gonzalez told the Associated Press, "We need to listen to our consumers. We clearly heard their feedback." But she stressed that the company is using lessons learned from the SunChips effort towards the next generation of biodegradable bags.

We've purchased multiple bags of SunChips in the new biodegradable packaging, and while we agree they are a bit raucous, the end goal seemed more important than a minor annoyance. It's also a problem that easily could be resolved by transferring the chips into a large resealable container or a bowl. And (this may be news for some) it is possible to eat chips without treating the package like a feedbag.

It's hard to say exactly who looks more ridiculous at this point--the idiots on Facebook or the morons at Frito-Lay. We checked out one of the Facebook sites specified by the Associated Press. If this group, which appears to be little more than college kids goofing around, really had any impact on the decision making process of a multi-billion dollar corporation, it would be shocking, to say the least.

Frito-Lay has already begun the transition process. All but the Original-flavor SunChips will be sold in plastic, non-biodegradable packaging by the end of this month.