—————————————————— When We Was Fab: Rocks Off's Beatles: Rock Band Night Was a Smashing Success | Houston Press

Classic Rock Corner

When We Was Fab: Rocks Off's Beatles: Rock Band Night Was a Smashing Success

[Update: Click here for a slideshow.]

The Pi Studios "blackshirts," sitting on a corn flake...

Hate to quote Nickelback, but what the hell: We all wanna be big rock stars, live in hilltop houses and drive 15 cars. Rocks Off is still working on the hilltop house and 15 cars part, but we got a little taste of what it must feel like Wednesday evening at our Beatles: Rock Band party at Coffee Groundz. The Midtown java joint shut down its drive-thru so we could set up the game, and a good 75 to 90 people showed up to mash some buttons and sing along to "I Am the Walrus," "Come Together," "Revolution," "Hey Bulldog" and lots more.

Rocks Off even managed to get a perfect score of 100 singing the vocals to our all-time favorite Beatles song, "I Saw Her Standing There." True, it was only on the "Medium" difficulty setting, but permit us our small moment of glory. We'd like to thank everyone who made the event happen, especially J.R. and the Coffee Groundz crew, Lori Alexander and Allisen Picos from the Press and the "blackshirt" boys from Pi who kept things running with a minimum of technical difficulties.

In short, we had a blast, and we're already planning our next Rock Band soiree, so stay tuned. Now that we actually know what we're doing, ain't no stoppin' us now. Check out some more videos after the jump.