—————————————————— You'll Never Forget the End of the World | Houston Press

You'll Never Forget the End of the World

Those kooks at Radio Music Theatre are at it again with You'll Never Forget the End of the World. This time, writer Steve Farrell is channeling Jiffy Dillard, a curly-haired preacher. Dillard is the most popular televangelist in the world, and he's consulted everything from the Mayan calendar to Hollywood looking for the moment the world is going to end. Once he's figured that out, he can calculate how much he can charge his huge flock to see the event.

The Radio Music Theatre company will be closing its doors later next spring. While that might not be the end of the whole world, it will certainly be the end of the RMT world. Longtime fans are sure to want another look at the group's crazy antics before they go. 8:30 p.m. Thursdays, and 8 and 10:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Through November 20. Radio Music Theatre, 2623 Colquitt. For information, call 713-522-7722 or visit www.radiomusictheatre.com. $24.
Thursdays-Saturdays. Starts: Sept. 2. Continues through Nov. 20, 2010