
Ask Willie D

A Girl I Just Met Wants Me to Be Her Pimp. Help!

Willie D: "I think the first step is learning to love yourself, so that you feel worthy of all blessings."
Photo by Jeff Fitlow
Willie D: "I think the first step is learning to love yourself, so that you feel worthy of all blessings."
Dear Willie D:

A few days ago I was on a bus trip with my wife and business associates when we stopped at a casino in Oklahoma. While there, my wife and I befriended an attractive 18-year-old girl we met in the buffet line. Since she was solo, we invited her to sit with us so she didn’t have to eat alone.

She confessed that she had run away from home to live with her boyfriend, but her boyfriend ended up in jail on drug charges, and she ran out of money after staying in a motel for two months. She told us she was trying to get to L.A., but would settle for Dallas, where we live, if I “could look out for her,” as in be her pimp.

My wife is not a judgmental person, so she didn’t lose it upon hearing her offer. I politely declined, but my wife exchanged phone numbers with her so they could stay in touch. We gave her $100. That’s not much, but it was all we could spare. I’m not trying to knock anybody’s hustle, but I could never profit off a woman selling her body.


Good for you, my dude, because as we all know, pimping ain’t easy.


Dear Willie D:

The school that my daughter attends recently got its accreditation restored. The suspension was a result of teachers passing test-failing students. Now I’m finding out that the tech guy they hired has a felony conviction for aggravated assault.

My daughter still has one more year there, so I don’t want to cause trouble, but at the same time my child’s safety comes first. I told her father that I was going to contact a news station to put the story out there and warn others, but he said it’s not a good idea. Let it go?

Technical Difficulties:

The first thing you need to know is whether the school has a right to hire felons. Depending on the state and [what] type of school it is, it may be perfectly legal. But even if it wasn’t, I don’t think I would go as far as getting on the news to express my feelings.

It’s possible for you to not cause trouble and maintain your child’s safety at the same time by sharing your thoughts with the principal, or the superintendent.


Dear Willie D:

I let my insecurities get in the way of my relationship with my man. He is attractive and fit, whereas I’m attractive but I don’t feel attractive because I’m about 45 pounds overweight. I’m always thinking I’m not good enough, and that he wants to be with another woman. How do I get over this?

Insecurities Exchange:

I think the first step is learning to love yourself, so that you feel worthy of all blessings. If you don’t love yourself, you’ll never feel good enough for others. I don’t care how attractive, intelligent or successful a woman is, if I want her, I believe I can have her and deserve her, because I’m a good man.

Now if I pursue her and my feelings aren’t reciprocated, that’s on her, and in my mind it’s her loss, not mine. The cliché of having someone to complete us sounds nice, but it’s a dangerous way of thinking, because it sets you up for 100 percent failure when the people you let get close leave you unfulfilled, or take that completion and walk away.

Welcome to enlightenment. You are a phenomenal woman!


Dear Willie D:

My younger brother, whom I’m raising, has been out marching with women against the Trump Administration. He says he’s doing it for women’s rights and the future of his future daughters. He is only a 16-year-old kid. He doesn’t understand the magnitude of protesting. Anything could happen. He could end up arrested or dead.

My husband thinks it’s a good idea, but I worry about him, and doubt myself for bringing him up to be a fighter and stand up for his beliefs. There’s a lot of nuts out there, Willie. How do I get him to stop protesting before he gets hurt?

Rebel with a Cause:

Kurt Cobain said, “The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.” If you think America has issues now, imagine how much further back we would be as a society if not for the brave young people who protested injustice in past generations.

I understand your concern, but I’m the wrong person to ask for assistance in stopping someone from fighting for justice. This is Ask Willie D, not Ask Steve (Harvey).

Ask Willie D anything at willied.com/ask-willie-d, and come back next Thursday for more of his best answers.