—————————————————— The Strangerer | Calendar | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas

The Strangerer

Catastrophic Theatre’s The Strangerer takes us back to 2004 and the first Bush/Kerry presidential debate. True to form, the issues being talked about have life-and-death consequences — in this case, for moderator Jim Lehrer. Bush and Kerry aren’t debating economics or immigration, not even the war. No, the two men who are vying for the most powerful position on the planet are discussing how to kill Lehrer. Billed as “a murder mystery with the murderers in plain view,” The Strangerer asks the question: Is killing innocent people an acceptable part of the presidential job description? 8 p.m. Thursday to Saturday. Through November 8. DiverseWorks, 1117 E. Freeway. For information, call 713-880-5216 or visit www.catastrophictheatre.com. $15.
Thursdays-Saturdays, 8 p.m. Starts: Oct. 17. Continues through Nov. 8, 2008
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Olivia Flores Alvarez