—————————————————— Sinbad | Calendar | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


Sinbad could be the spokesperson for the “don’t believe everything you read” campaign. Last year, calls came flooding in soon after rumors of the comedian/actor’s death spread to Wikipedia (sorry, college kids, find a better source for your term paper). His managers and family were inundated with condolences, despite Sinbad’s, you know, being alive. But the comic did appreciate the attention. “I wish that people would’ve called me back like this when I was alive,” he told the online publication EURweb. “I gotta die more often. Seriously, my death is gonna be my comeback.” And apparently it was. Sinbad has been back on the stand-up touring circuit sharing stories like this as well as other tales from the famous life and his childhood. It’s all delivered in his signature pacing-back-and-forth, physical style (which is pretty impressive seeing as how the dude is damn near seven feet tall). See the former — and undead — star of A Different World at 8 p.m. Verizon Wireless, 520 Texas. For tickets and information, call 713-629-3700 or visit www.verizonwirelesstheater.com. $37.50 to $47.50.
Sat., Dec. 6, 8 p.m., 2008
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Dusti Rhodes
Contact: Dusti Rhodes