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The 2013 Houston Web Awards: The Best Of Online Houston

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Best Restaurant Facebook

Max's Wine Dive


One of the most active restaurant Facebook pages in Houston, Max's is head and shoulders above the rest in the social media department. New photos of mouthwatering images crop up every day, resulting in tons of likes and fan comments like "Drool," "I'm hungry" or "Want." The page is also informative about upcoming events, allowing its followers to be first in line for anything from wine dinners to the restaurant's autumnal Houston Cellar Classic event. Keep up the great job, Max's.

Best Bartender Twitter



His Twitter profile almost says it all: "Freelance cocktail bartender, Houston ethnic food nerd and a bunch of other stuff." Known for his long stints at Anvil and as the opening bartender at Underbelly, if you follow Chris Frankel on Twitter, you'll find that he's opinionated, eats out a lot, travels to places just to eat and drink, and is totally "in the know" on where to find the best food in Houston. He prides himself on finding those hole-in-the-wall places before anyone else does, and his Twitter feed will take you there with him.

Best Chef Twitter



You can always find Carlos Rodriguez, the concept executive chef for Vic & Anthony's Steakhouse in Houston, Las Vegas, Atlantic City and New York, on Twitter. He snaps photos of his food, comments on other chefs' menus and includes random personal information about things like "Teaching my kid how to smuggle candy into the movies. I'm a bad father." Yes, he's funny, too, just one of the reasons this chef has close to 1,500 followers.

Best Food Blog

H-Town Chow Down


Blogging is full-time work these days, which is why H-Town Chow Down, one of the most active local food blog sites, is made up of not just one person but a small team. With the tagline "We eat out almost every day," the blog, headed by Albert Nurick, does a great job chronicling their eating adventures with commentary and photos. They've boldly listed their picks for Houston's best burgers with reviews to back them up. While their focus is mainly on American food — their site is organized by labels like barbecue, breakfast, brunch, burgers, sandwiches, seafood and steaks — they also have pizza and Mexican categories, along with 75 restaurant reviews and counting.

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Jeff Balke is a writer, editor, photographer, tech expert and native Houstonian. He has written for a wide range of publications and co-authored the official 50th anniversary book for the Houston Rockets.
Contact: Jeff Balke