—————————————————— 10 Music Films at SXSW That You Don't Wanna Miss | Rocks Off | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


10 Music Films at SXSW That You Don't Wanna Miss

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1. Downloaded 6:15 p.m. Sunday, March 10 Paramount Theatre

The Social Network was cool and everything, but I couldn't help finding myself wishing that film had spent less time with the nerdy Mark Zuckerberg and more with Sean Parker, the slick-talking businessgeek who helped change the music industry forever with Napster.

At long last, Parker and his partners get the documentary treatment in Downloaded, the cinematic tale of Napster's exhilarating rise and fall. For those of you who weren't there, Napster was the first (and best) widely adopted file-sharing network, and its impact on the record biz can't really be overstated at this point. With fascinating characters like Parker and Lars Ulrich populating this story, what's not to love?

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Nathan Smith
Contact: Nathan Smith