—————————————————— 2009 Concert Rewind: Backtracking to Free Press Houston Summerfest | Rocks Off | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


2009 Concert Rewind: Backtracking to Free Press Houston Summerfest

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Kim Douglass: "Though the weather tried its hardest (and hottest) to keep Summerfest down, it was just no match for Houstonians' love of massively sized events. Over this weekend, Rocks Off was very proud to be from Houston for several reasons: the amount of local musicians willing to play roadie/security for two days, the lack of bitching about Sunday's rain delay and most of all the fans.

"Thousands coming out in more than 100-degree weather, and staying from high noon to after sunset, brought back that famous line from Field of Dreams: 'If you build it, they will come.' Summerfest was built and hyped for months, and Houston did indeed come."

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Chris Gray has been Music Editor for the Houston Press since 2008. He is the proud father of a Beatles-loving toddler named Oliver.
Contact: Chris Gray