—————————————————— Best Of Houston® 2022: Best Bar - Midtown | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2022

Best Of Houston® 2022: Best Bar - Midtown

Holman Draft Hall allows you to set the bar's vibe depending on your visit
Holman Draft Hall allows you to set the bar's vibe depending on your visit Photo by Jesse Sendejas Jr.
Best Bar - Midtown: Holman Draft Hall

Most bars have the typical considerations of interesting, plentiful drink options or comfy, practical seating. From here to there, you’re likely to find a good drink special or a gregarious barkeep. So, deciding which is best just comes down to the vibe of the place. Holman Draft Hall has all the notable features of a solid drinkery, like the 100 craft beer taps on its wall, a full-service bar and a hearty pub feed. What makes it your best option in Midtown is how it’s not a “one vibe fits all” sort of bar.

The décor is sleek – there’s lots of glass and interesting tile work. Very haute. But, it’s also rustic, with wood, distressed iron and high ceilings throughout. Almost lodge-like. There’s an air-conditioned space with a cozy balcony where visitors host parties and also ample outdoor seating with picnic tables and swings for more casual get-togethers. You can choose a burger or a patty melt or reserve a “brunchuterie board” to class things up and satiate the hunger of your group. Make your own fun or swing through on the first Friday of any month for the bar’s local art showcase. Want a bit of elegance in your night out? No problem. Looking for an afternoon relaxing alone or with friends? They got you. Holman Draft Hall is spacious and the thoughtful approach to using that space means you get to choose the bar's vibe on any visit.

820 Holman
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