—————————————————— Five Houston Concerts You Should Avoid This Fall | Rocks Off | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


Five Houston Concerts You Should Avoid This Fall

Friday Rocks Off brought you 15 of our choices for shows you shouldn't miss this fall. Now the worm has turned.

Imagine Dragons Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavillion, September 26

I can't be the only person who feels a little overwhelmed by Imagine Dragons' extreme overnight success, can I? I mean, I guess some of their songs are okay. Sometimes they pop up on my iHeart [radio] and I think, "Meh!"

But I just can't hear "Radioactive" one more time, let alone fathom paying to hear it. This band is like, fine. Or whatever. I personally prefer something a bit more unique and discernable, especially if I have to drive to The Woodlands to hear it. SELENA DIERINGER

REWIND: 15 Houston Concerts You Shouldn't Miss This Fall

Mickey Avalon Warehouse Live, September 20

I'm just going to put it out there and say that I went through an ill-advised Mickey Avalon phase, but I would like to blame some of it on my penchant for vodka. When Avalon dropped his first album with the help of Simon Rex in '06, his self-deprecating lyrics and honesty about his history of substance abuse and prostitution made him interesting and different from where music was at the time. Dudes didn't normally rap about that stuff.

But he wasn't that interesting, really. He was kinda brotastic, and his schtick became really boring. Details are kinda hazy (again, the vodka), but I remember him slithering across the stage in a trucker hat and skinny jeans, and I was thoroughly unimpressed. Listening to Avalon's self-titled album now, and taking into account my previous concert experience, I wouldn't be caught dead at this one. ANGELICA LEICHT

Fall Out Boy Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, September 25

Two Fall Out Boy concerts? Really? Weren't they just here? Does Houston really need two Fall Out Boy concerts in barely three months? The band disappeared off of the face of the music-earth, but now they've resurrected their emo-pop-punk garbage in full force, and they're trying to take over the world. Please make it stop. The world doesn't need more 18-word song titles floating around out there, not to mention that silly hair. ANGELICA LEICHT

List continues on the next page.

GWAR Warehouse Live, October 24 I remember once talking to a friend of mine who worked security around town, and he told me about all the extra hours he had to put in GWAR-proofing a venue for one of their Houston shows. (It may have been House of Blues, but doesn't really matter.) All the plastic sheeting he and his colleagues had to put down so all the band's fake fluids don't ruin the venue's equipment -- even if GWAR doesn't use real blood, vomit, etc., it's still disgusting.

And apart from that, their whole sex-crazed space-metal mythology might be appealing to any 14-year-old boy, but I just find that sort of thing a little sad today. I mean, GWAR has been doing this a long time. Of course the show will probably sell out, to mostly adults, which I find infinitely sadder. CHRIS GRAY

Selena Gomez Toyota Center, November 2

Explaining Selena Gomez's popularity boils down to how little she did running around in a bra as the moral compass of Spring Breakers. Or something. Otherwise she's just an annoying persona stamped with Disney pomp and circumstance.

Is it certain you might lose your head hearing some of her tunes? Very. "Love You Like a Love Song" is painful, and "Come & Get It" has been beaten into the ground throughout the summer. The far better show might be trying to figure out the craziest Selena Gomez fan going into Toyota Center. BRANDON CALDWELL


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