—————————————————— Gov't Mule's Warren Haynes Has Plenty to Shout! About | Rocks Off | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas

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Gov't Mule's Warren Haynes Has Plenty to Shout! About

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Haynes calls it the "culmination" of everything the band has done to this point as it approaches its 20th anniversary.

"I don't think we could have done this on our third or fourth record, but here it makes sense," he surmises. Haynes also has high praise for Carlsson, and calls the chemistry he has with the band in terms of the bass the best since founding member Allan Woody, who died in 2000.

"The chemistry between the four of us is in a really good place, and stuff came together here in a way it hasn't in the past," Haynes continues about the lineup, which has been together now for five years. "It was a surprise when [former bassist] Andy [Hess] left us, but this is different than any other lineup. Andy was more pocket oriented. Jorgen is more aggressive."

As for Abts, whom Haynes met in '86 or '87 when both were in the Dickey Betts Band, he says the pair can "reach each other's minds" on stage at this point.

"We became instant friends when we met, and I love playing with him," Haynes sums up. "But Matt's also a wonderful human being, and I'm proud to be partners with him."

Gov't Mule plays Saturday night at Bayou Music Center; Vintage Trouble opens. Coming up in Part II: Why Warren Haynes is the Hardest Working Man in Show Business, the future of the Allman Brothers, his friendly competition with Derek Trucks, more about Shout!, and what he is running after, but may never catch.


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Bob Ruggiero has been writing about music, books, visual arts and entertainment for the Houston Press since 1997, with an emphasis on classic rock. He used to have an incredible and luxurious mullet in college as well. He is the author of the band biography Slippin’ Out of Darkness: The Story of WAR.
Contact: Bob Ruggiero