—————————————————— Last Night: Jandek At Big Star Bar | Rocks Off | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


Last Night: Jandek At Big Star Bar

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The full house inside the languid, stuffy bar greeted the performance with a mixed reaction. After an hour or so, about half the original crowd had dispersed to the patio, where they sat discussing what they had just seen with a mixture of befuddlement and reverence. Back inside, though, a few people never stopped dancing the entire time and plenty of others stood transfixed.

It was hard to know just what to make of it. It was certainly loud. Hypnotic and tribal at times, something I would imagine hearing in Berlin, Detroit or Chicago in the early '90s, when industrial music and techno were really coming into their own.

Other than that, it was almost completely inscrutable. But maybe one clue came late in the second hour. "I don't get it...," Smith said from the stage. "That's the point."

And that is a direct quote from the man himself, my friends.

Personal Bias: It's not 100 percent accurate to say I look forward to these Jandek shows, but it's also hard to imagine that I'd pass up the chance to see another one.

The Crowd: Mid-20s to mid-60s. Not many of them were dressed like they just rolled in after church.

Overheard In the Crowd: Big Star owner Brad Moore said the gig happened when he met Sterling Smith at the nearby Petrol Station. He offered Big Star if Smith ever wanted to do anything, and the call came when Moore was on vacation walking down a street in Roswell, N.M.

Random Notebook Dump: Some quick-witted Judy's fan (or fans) put two stickers that say "Guyana" and "Punch" on the Big Star water cooler.

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Chris Gray has been Music Editor for the Houston Press since 2008. He is the proud father of a Beatles-loving toddler named Oliver.
Contact: Chris Gray