—————————————————— Last Night: Rodrigo y Gabriela At House Of Blues | Rocks Off | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


Last Night: Rodrigo y Gabriela At House Of Blues

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Personal Bias: Zilch. Aftermath would much rather form our first impressions of a band live than from a CD we get in the mail. Luckily, we don't get that many CDs in the mail anymore.

The Crowd: Typical HOB corporate chatty Cathys, tilting male and Latino (surprise), and as blown away as we were by the end of the night.

Overheard in the Crowd: "What about the Gator?" Said by a woman who proceeded to demonstrate a hand signal we guess is a common sight at University of Florida football games.

Random Notebook Dump: What is the name of that '60s guitar instrumental that showed up in about every other movie trailer about 10 or 15 years ago? (For some reason, we remember it from Rob Reiner's The Story of Us.) It doesn't matter anyway, because Rodrigo y Gabriela blew it out of the water.

Also: We hope opener Bobby Long (above) comes back soon. We also hope it's somewhere his stout and sultry acoustic songs can actually be heard, like the Mucky Duck.

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Chris Gray has been Music Editor for the Houston Press since 2008. He is the proud father of a Beatles-loving toddler named Oliver.
Contact: Chris Gray