—————————————————— Let's Help These People Make a Fun Fun Fun Fest Love Connection | Rocks Off | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas

Music Festivals

Let's Help These People Make a Fun Fun Fun Fest Love Connection

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Dear Ryan at MIA -- w4m -- 23 (Fun fun fun fest)

To Ryan who I met at MIA. I wish I had got your number because I think you're really cute and a great dancer. I was meant to go to Red7 but I bailed. I regret not kissing you. From the Australian girl with diamontes on her eyes x

This is why you always go to Red 7 when you say you will -- you don't want to regret the kiss you never attempted.

Tara? minor moment VIP yellow stage fun fun fun -- m4w -- 33

It was maybe minor, but wow I felt a thing for you back there waiting for tenacious d. missed connection enough that you asked me my name, and smoked me out. um... let's talk more? :)

Consider this: this man had a girl ask him his name and smoke him out, and that only registered as a minor moment to him. Can you imagine how exciting his life must be? Tara, every minute you don't respond to this post you're missing countless moment of excitement.

Misfits show -- m4w -- 28 (Elysium )

We talked for a min. I'm white, have tats. You were with a girlfriend. You stood up on the seat. You're cute.

Being the white guy with tats at a Misfits show doesn't exactly make one a special snowflake. Let's just hope this seat-stander didn't talk to any other boys while she was at the show.

Bike Ride Home Fun Fun Fun Fest -- w4m -- 28 (Barton Hills)

You made sure my bike and I made it safely home from the Fest. And then you crashed making a right onto Barton Hills Drive (it's okay). We parted ways at Trailside. Your name was Patrick -- I should have gotten your number....

If you see this, email me with what kind of dog I have.

Patrick, you must rule. Not only are you a gentleman, but she still wants to know more about you after you crashed in front of her.

More missed connections on the next page.

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Cory Garcia is a Contributing Editor for the Houston Press. He once won an award for his writing, but he doesn't like to brag about it. If you're reading this sentence, odds are good it's because he wrote a concert review you don't like or he wanted to talk pro wrestling.
Contact: Cory Garcia