—————————————————— Kanye West - Reanimator is Resurrecting Hip Hop | Houston Press

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Maybe 'Kanye West - Reanimator' Will Ressurect Hip-Hop Too

Have you felt like the hip-hop scene is becoming a little bit played out? Perhaps you've grown weary of the way that most club bangers and rap hits are just one phrase repeated over and over, or you're just sick of Drake getting away with speaking out of rhythm and calling it rapping.

Well, in a new book, Yeezus has heard your cries and is here to save us all. Written by Joshua Chaplinsky, Kanye West – Reanimator is a “reimagining” of H.P. Lovecraft's Herbert West – Reanimator, our favorite self-proclaimed genius uses his music to bring deceased rappers Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G. back to life.

Truth be told, I have not read the book. Just by perusing the Amazon.com page, I see that Chaplinsky is an online blogger, which makes sense. Only those of us who sell ourselves to the machine of Internet publications would dare to have the huevos to write such a thing without fear of the almighty Yeezus himself coming down on us with a copyright lawsuit.

I suppose it's fair use as parody, but we know Mr. West does not possess the greatest sense of humor about himself.

The book itself is only 78 pages, which means it's probably a pretty quick read. Still, the concept alone sells itself. While you could probably argue that Kanye is a part of, or at least partially responsible for, the “moribund hip hop scene” he's trying to save in the book, who else would make a better star?

More importantly, it's part of a wave of such uses of Yeezy's likeness. Remember The Book of Yeezus from earlier this year, wherein bloggers replaced every mention of God in the Bible with “Yeezus”?

I say bring it on. Even though it's probably just feeding Kanye's ego even more, let's rewrite him into every book. Let's put him in our history books. Instead of George Washington leading America through the revolution, it's Kanye. Instead of Beowulf slaying Grendel, it's Kanye.

Remember the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles? Say hello to the Young Kanye West Chronicles. We can even write original stories, making Kanye West America's most important folk hero for generations to come.

In light of Sunday night's announcement of his pending 2020 presidential campaign, this could be the best way to skyrocket Kanye to the top of the polls. Instead of a mere man running on what I assume will be the "G.O.O.D. Party" ticket, we can create a legend, a mythical savior, to bolster and "reanimate" America!

Or, we could just stop here. Kanye West – Reanimator might just be the peak of the “Kanye replacing characters in books” meme. Either way, it's a work of brilliance. After all, just look at that cover. It's immaculate.
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Corey Deiterman