Natalie Johnson and Jordan Lane: Sex With Teens Lands Two More East Texas Women in Hot Water

What is going on with these rapacious Texas women and their alleged attractions to teenage boys?

Two more -- one in Southeast Texas and the other in the northeastern corner of the state -- are facing serious charges after their alleged affairs have come to light.

Angelina County authorities say that Natalie Deshan Johnson, a 32-year-old from Diboll, had sex with a 13-year-old boy a total of six or seven times at her apartment and in a park on the shores of Lake Sam Rayburn.

According to an arrest affidavit, the boy slipped away from his grandparents' house and spent the night with Johnson on the night of August 6. The boy claims to have had sex with Johnson on that night and again the morning after; at least, that was what he told his parents when his grandparents noticed he wasn't in his bedroom where he was supposed to be. Police later found more than 1,500 text messages and phone calls between Johnson and the boy.

Johnson, whose mother died on July 11, has been charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child.

Meanwhile, the town of Honey Grove was in turmoil over the alleged affair between 27-year-old second-generation schoolteacher Jordan Lane and a 14-year-old student.

Honey Grove police chief Mark Johnson sounded heartbroken in an interview with KXII.

"It is hard. I mean, you feel like you've been betrayed and we send our kids to school to be educated and this is pretty hard."

Lane is from a prominent local family and is married to another former Honey Grove ISD employee, but both she and her husband handed in resignation letters in June. After several weeks of investigation, Lane's arrest came late last week.

As one commenter pointed out, Lane and her alleged victim are both pictured in one volume of the tiny K-12's yearbook: When Lane was a high school senior, her purported victim was in kindergarten.

School officials said none of the alleged sexual conduct took place in their facilities. So far, Lane is charged with a single count of improper relationship with a student, but police there say she might be charged with several counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child.

While we are not a woman or even in our twenties or thirties, we are the father of a teenage boy. As such, we concur with the sentiment of a commenter on one of these stories:

I found something very common about [teenage boys]: they are stupid and stink. I have sat in my kitchen and listened to those idiots joke about burping, passing gas and hitting each other. What grown woman in her right mind would want to entertain such a being?

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