—————————————————— 3rd Annual KBR Kids Day on Buffalo Bayou | Calendar | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas

3rd Annual KBR Kids Day on Buffalo Bayou

The preteen crowd will enjoy the 3rd Annual KBR Kids Day on Buffalo Bayou. More than two dozen nonprofit organizations will have activity stations set up on the bayouís banks. Sun prints, wetland hikes, kayaking demonstrations and pontoon boat rides are on the schedule, along with a series of bird shows featuring falcons, eagles and hawks. If you're looking for something with fewer razor-sharp claws involved, there's also food, music and strolling performers. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sabine Promenade, 150 Sabine. For information, call 713-752-0314 or visit www.buffalobayou.org. Free.
Sat., June 6, 10 a.m., 2009
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