Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Art Festival

You meet all kinds at Thorn & Moon
You meet all kinds at Thorn & Moon Photo by Jef Rouner
Best Art Festival: Thorn & Moon Magickal Market

The number one place to find weird crafts and oddities is the monthly Thorn & Moon Magickal Markets, usually at Raven Tower (310 North Street) but occasionally in other spots. Run by Jessica and Stephen Anderson, the owners of the titular Thorn & Moon witch and magick supply shop, the events are an enchanting collection of pagan baubles and performances.

Vendors deal in bath products, art projects involving bugs and bone, books, jewelry, gothic workout gear, and art. There are always fortune tellers and other diviners around if you'd like a look at your future. Most markets have some form of entertainment, such as spooky acoustic music, burlesque, or circus acts. The annual Halloween gatherings are especially a must, with double the size and lots of costumed attendees to take pictures with. It's a cottagecore utopia that is always a chill, if spooky, time.

Thorn & Moon Magickal Market
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