—————————————————— Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Drag Performer | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Drag Performer

Kofi, just like the beverage, is piping hot.
Kofi, just like the beverage, is piping hot. Photo by Tiosphotography.com
Best Drag Performer: Kofi Cakes

The best part of waking up belongs to Folgers in your cup, but the best part of going to a drag show belongs to Kofi. That's Ms. Cakes, if you're nasty. Kofi Cakes has been delivering the best drag performances for more than four decades. Yes, you read that correctly . . . for 40-plus years, which means she started performing around third grade, and she has no plans of stopping anytime soon. Houston's gift to the art of female illusions is based out of neighboring watering holes JR's Bar & Grill and South Beach, where Kofi is king queen.

As her name implies, she's joltingly strong and will wake you up with a quick shot of her humor, beauty and flawless lip sync. Her Patti LaBelle and Aretha Franklin performances are to die for. The same goes for her outfits.

Question: Who else can flawlessly pull off a dress in the design of a Pepsi can, logo and shape identically replicated? Answer: Kofi stands alone in that category.

In fact, she's so stunning that Kofi has won nearly every drag pageant in existence. The multi-national title holder lists Miss Gay USofA At-Large, Miss Black America Plus and Miss Continental Plus along with a slew of state and local titles on her resume. We'd list out all of her pageant titles, but it would take about 20 minutes to get through them, so we'll spare you the time and sum it up with Tina Turner's catch phrase and say she's "simply the best." (And yes, she also deliver's a great Tina lip sync.)

Need we even mention that Kofi was an emcee for the pride parade several years running, because who else can talk about pride better than a drag performer?

Kofi's presence is so well respected that when Craig Henderson, a beloved pageant promoter, passed away in 2021, she gathered her stage sisters (Kayla Monroe and Kelexis Davenport) to form K3 Entertainment and pick up in his stead. The trio is going strong, just recently crowning Miss Gay Texas USofA At Large as well as raising donations for a college scholarship named in honor of Henderson.

That's proof that drag is undeniably making a difference for the better. Bold, pulse-starting and full of lip-smacking flavor . . . Kofi will always be the drink of choice.

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