—————————————————— Best of Houston ® 2023: Best Free Museum | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Free Museum

Technically, this is an art scooter, but it's still cool.
Technically, this is an art scooter, but it's still cool. Photo by Jef Rouner
Best Free Museum: Art Car Museum

The Art Car Museum is much more than a place to house the most notable entries in Houston's famous parade. Instead, the space hosts quarterly exhibitions of contemporary artists' work, and pulls art cars from their donation stock  to match the theme. The result is a short, but excellently curated experience that gives visitors a chance to see works they might not otherwise get in more traditional galleries.

Best of all, admission is completely free, though visitors are asked to make appointments in advance. One trip inside will prove to you how much fun this part of the Houston art world is and immediately make you want to return for the next changing of exhibits. It's out there and wild, but still very accessible for families and people on budgets. There aren't that many places like that.

140 Heights Boulevard, Houston
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