
Dirty Disney Confessions: We Can't Look Away (Semi-NSFW)

Tumblr blog Dirty Disney Confessions is doing the Lord's work by helping expose the population's deviant Disney fantasies. For wholesome cartoons. Anyone who has spent any amount of time on the Internetz knows that there are some sick puppies out there who like drawing popular cartoon characters (Disney, Pixar, Fox, Adult Swim) in comprising and passionate scenarios.

I still have an image of a very well-hung Homer Simpson giving his wife Marge the ol' in-and-out, and that may never go away. It's okay, that's my daily struggle. Did I want to see Peter Griffin's massive erection? Not really, but I can't change the past.

DDC goes back a dozen or so pages of abject filth and sexual fury.

The site is extensively profane and even includes live-action ventures in the Disney universe, like the Pirates movies and the Disney television canon. I like Selena Gomez and Hilary Duff's vintage work as much as the next guy, but I don't tell people at parties or anything.

Rest assured anything with the word Disney in the title will get people's motors running. There has to be some sort of odd quirk that we all carry to have the inclination to be sexually attracted to the entertainment we were shown as children. I mean, Ariel from The Little Mermaid has a hot little figure, right? That red hair, the swimmer's body....

This has nothing to do with Disney characters, but I think it is pertinent to the conversation we are having.

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