—————————————————— Jubilee of Dance Renamed After Margaret Alkek Williams | Houston Press


Houston Ballet Renames Its Jubilee of Dance After Major Donor

Let's hear it for Margaret Alkek Williams! Artists of the Houston Ballet in Clear.
Let's hear it for Margaret Alkek Williams! Artists of the Houston Ballet in Clear. Photo by Amitava Sarkar

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Let's hear it for Margaret Alkek Williams! Artists of the Houston Ballet in Clear.
Photo by Amitava Sarkar
Houston Ballet has announced that its annual Jubilee of Dance has been permanently renamed after one of its biggest longtime benefactors: Margaret Alkek Williams.

This year's Jubilee will feature performances from Clear, Don Quixote, Swan Lake, Carousel (A Dance), Marie, The Sleeping Beauty, Punctilious, Raymonda, The Ladies and Symphony in C. Williams, according to a Houston Ballet press release, endowed the event.

In a press release from the ballet, Williams was quoted as saying that "Jubilee of Dance is one of the performances I most look forward to every year. The program is always exciting — selecting the very best of the best of repertoire that Houston Ballet has to offer."

A major contribution in 2008 from Williams helped build the Houston Ballet Center for Dance. She has been a strong supporter of the ballet's Artistic Director Stanton Welch "underwriting his revival of Madame Butterfly and his premiere of Swan Lake which will return to Houston in 2018 and is scheduled to tour." On top of that, she also endows a Principal dancer position.

The Jubilee of Dance is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. November 15 at the HobbyCenter, 800 Bagby. For information please visit houstonballet.org. $29.50 - $149.50.
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