—————————————————— Voice Film Podcast: Trainwreck and Ant-Man | Houston Press

Film Podcast

Podcast: The Taming of Amy Schumer

While Judd Apatow and Amy Schumer's new movie Trainwreck is "occasionally very funny, it also feels carefully constructed to make its points, chief among them that men can get away with all kinds of bad or crazy behavior that women can’t," writes Village Voice film critic Stephanie Zacharek in her review of the film. "She's really interesting and really smart, she's somebody that I want to kind of see where she goes," Zacharek says on this week's episode.

Before that, Zacharek, along with Voice film editor Alan Scherstuhl and LA Weekly film critic Amy Nicholson eulogize The Dissolve, the ambitious film writing site that folded last week.

Also on this week's podcast, we touch on Woody Allen's latest, Irrational Man, and the surprising new movie from Marvel starring Paul Rudd, Ant-Man.

Finally, Amy and Stephanie recommend 10,000 km (in theaters and on-demand), while Alan urges us to see Chaitanya Tamhane's Court, an endlessly fascinating Indian movie out now.

Follow us on Twitter at @VoiceFilmClub. If you like the pod, help more people find it by rating and reviewing it in the iTunes store.
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