—————————————————— Season's Greetings, Sent From Your iPad | Art Attack | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


Season's Greetings, Sent From Your iPad

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For the app that does everything except decorate the tree and bake some cookies

Red Stamp Cost: Free to download; premium designs starting at $0.99; printing and mailing range from 49 cents to $1.99/card, 29 cents postage included Compatible with: iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Requires iOS 4.2 or later. The Gist: Personalize cards, notes and invitations from more than 400 (!) modern designs, then print on "high-end, eco-friendly" paper and mail. E-mailing, texting and posting on Facebook and Twitter are also available. The Good: For those sending lots of cards, you can integrate your device's contacts. Plus the designs are pretty stylish. The Bad: No Grinch here, this one's pretty solid, though only postcards are available to mail with this one as well.

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Meredith Deliso
Contact: Meredith Deliso