—————————————————— ZZ Top-Inspired Ski Gear | Art Attack | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


ZZ Top-Inspired Ski Gear

The ski mask (or balaclava) is in desperate need of an image overhaul. Thanks to Hollywood--and countless hours of surveillance footage--what was once just a functional item of clothing is now commonly associated with art thieves, terrorists, and kidnappers.

And then came the knit beard. Now, even the follically-challenged can enjoy a warm, toasty face without being mistaken for a deadly assassin.

BeardHead Artist: N/A (Los Angeles, CA) Products: Adult Knit Beards Price: ON SALE NOW! $29.99 Quote: "There are two types of men in this world. The bearded ones and the unbearded ones."

The industry leader in faux facial hair knit products. Bear Head knit caps--available in Viking, Lumberjack, Pirate, Grandpa, Bunny (for the ladies)--can also be customized with a variety of mustaches. Nothing says sexy on the slopes like a "Fu Manchu Bunny".

Foamy Wader Artist: Alexa (Seattle, WA) Products: Handmade gemstone earrings, bracelets, necklaces--and knit beards. Price: $10.00 - $198.00 (Beards from $35-$75) Quote: "Great gift for the man who has everything or for the lady who complains of a cold face. Great for keeping those militant bike riders warm too!"

A real multitasker! This lengthy variation can be wrapped around your neck as a scarf or tucked in as a dickey. Available in a variety of styles including elf, gnome, pirate, Treebeard, and wizard.

I Made You A Beard Artist: Erin Dollar (Los Angeles, CA) Products: Knit Beards for adults and kids; beard-related art Price: $12.00 - $45.00 Quote: "I am a Portland native, where there are only two types of people: hipsters with beards, and lumberjacks with beards."

Artist Erin Dollar didn't let a silly thing like biology stand between the thick, luxurious beard she'd always dreamed of growing. And she made you one too.

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Lauren Marmaduke
Contact: Lauren Marmaduke