Best of Houston

Best Of Houston® 2020: Best Honky Tonk

Two-steppin' is for lovers.
Two-steppin' is for lovers. Photo by Cameron Blaylock
Best Honky Tonk: Goodnight Charlie's

Just two years old and Goodnight Charlie's has turned into the honky tonk that Houston city slickers didn’t know they needed. Because why not incorporate a little country dancin' into the social repertoire? Charlie's keeps it fresh with a weekly rotating lineup of crooners on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Booths can be reserved for groups or perhaps post up at the bar for a whiskey neat, some wine off the tap, and a dozen tacos to wash it all down. The outside porch and bench swings make for a quick respite for revelers in need of a breather. Couples (and singles) can take advantage of complimentary two-step lessons on select Thursdays and be sure to hit up the $20 Steak Night on Wednesdays.

2531 Kuester, Houston
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