—————————————————— Best Of Houston® 2021: Best Bar - Heights | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2021

Best Of Houston® 2021: Best Bar - Heights

A plethora of fantastic cocktails and some of the best bar food in town set Better Luck Tomorrow apart.
A plethora of fantastic cocktails and some of the best bar food in town set Better Luck Tomorrow apart. Photo by Schaefer Edwards
Best Bar - Heights: Better Luck Tomorrow

Since pouring its first drink over four years ago, Better Luck Tomorrow has absolutely blossomed into the perfect Heights neighborhood hangout spot that drink master Bobby Heugel and chef Justin Yu envisioned. It’s hard to decide whether the food or cocktails are Better Luck Tomorrow’s biggest draw, a testament to how spectacular both ends of the establishment’s menu are. Riffs on classics like the Cold-Fashioned (the bar’s take on the famed bourbon cocktail that adds rum and brandy to the mix to great effect) sit alongside a periodically shifting selection of original drinks full of clever ingredients like dill, sumac, aloe and kiwi to form a libations list with something to excite even the most jaded of palates.

The grub is just as impressive. Better Luck Tomorrow doesn’t just have 2021’s best burger in town — its beef mortadella sandwich with rich anchovy aioli and zesty pepperoncinis is an impeccably salty treat, and the fried pickles with a side of “Franch” dressing (a little French-y, a little ranch-y) might just be the best in town. The bar also has one of the most clever happy hours in the city. All drinks are half off before 5 p.m. on weekdays, and make sure to check the weather before you swing by. Hotter than 95 degrees? Highballs are half-off. Rain drops a-fallin’? Half-off hurricanes. And if it’s chillier than 40 degrees out, grab an Irish coffee for 50 percent sticker price. Just don’t come through if it’s snowing: “fuck that, we closed,” the bar’s menu reads.

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