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Booking Mix-Up Forces Psychedelic Horsesh*t To Cancel Notsuoh Show

Antagonistic folk-punkers Psychedelic Horseshit (right) had to cancel their appearance at Notsuoh tomorrow night with Eat Grapes, The Caprolites and The Wiggins due a miscommunication with their booking people and the Houston promoter. Booking agents, you should probably tell a band, being Psychedelic Horseshit, if you have booked them a gig in one city so they don't book another one in a completely different city almost 400 miles north.

It's been quite a while since Houston has seen an appearance by Psychedelic Horseshit, but if Houston Psychedelic Horseshit fans want to drive to Denton tomorrow night, Psychedelic Horseshit is playing a gig there tomorrow night under the name Psychedelic Horseshit.

Apparently there was a mix-up between show booker Jacob Calle and Psychedelic Horseshit's touring manager on the date that Psychedelic Horseshit would be playing Houston. The show will go on at Notsuoh, although without Psychedelic Horseshit headlining. It's not so much a Psychedelic Horseshit show now, saddening fans of the Columbus, Ohio band Psychedelic Horseshit.

Be sure to check out Psychedelic Horseshit's latest album, 2009's Too Many Hits, which was released on Psychedelic Horseshit's record label Columbia Discount. It's been hailed as one of the best releases in the Psychedelic Horseshit canon. Rocks Off first saw Psychedelic Horseshit at SXSW 2007, where we became enchanted with Psychedelic Horseshit's distinctive gruffly recorded sound.

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Craig Hlavaty
Contact: Craig Hlavaty