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Bruglarized: Rocks Off Photog's House Robbed And You Can Help Him Rebuild

Tuesday afternoon around 5 p.m., Houstonist editor, Rocks Off photographer and Prairie Cadets lead singer Marc Brubaker came back to his Denver Harbor home to find that burglars had cracked a window and entered his home through an A/C unit opening. They ended up stealing two Mac computers (a desktop and laptop), plus a brand-new printer that was still in the box.

Brubaker has been an indispensable part of the Rocks Off news team since September and October, when he braved both GWAR and an Insane Clown Posse show for us. We also had the pleasure of traveling to Austin with him in November for Fun Fun Fun Fest, where did some excellent photo work. He also shoots real-life weddings and engagement pictures, so he is a well-rounded shutterbug.

He's also a very good friend of ours, even if we think the moustache he has been sporting lately looks a little creepy.

The Houston community has banded together to help Brubaker rebuild his photographic empire. Brubaker says that he hadn't yet backed up to other resources his last four months of work, with us and with other outlets, which makes him ill.

A Chip In account is set up in his name where you can electronically donate money to his cause. The same thing was done back last summer when the Ton Tons had a burglary of their own and lost a few guitars.

So help Brubaker get back on his feet. He's a swell dude and one of the best guys to have with you in a foxhole, er, live concert.

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Craig Hlavaty
Contact: Craig Hlavaty