—————————————————— Dave Mustaine, Johnny Ramone, ZZ Top And A Few Other Right-Wing Rockers | Rocks Off | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


Dave Mustaine, Johnny Ramone, ZZ Top And A Few Other Right-Wing Rockers

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Ted Nugent: Everything Nugent has done in the past 40 years of his career has pissed off someone, from becoming the legal guardian of his 17-year-old girlfriend in 1978 to being a bow-hunter to inflaming liberals everywhere he goes with his mountain-man logic. He currently lives in Crawford not too far from former president George W. Bush's own lodgings. Wonder if they ever hang out and knock a couple a deer off together...

ZZ Top: If you think long and hard about it, under those bitchin' beards and shades, ZZ Top are at heart just a couple of Texas boys. In an alternate universe, they would be cleaning their guns on Saturday mornings and taking the wife to Golden Corral for a night on the town. It shouldn't be a surprise that the lil' ol' band from Texas supports various Republican causes.

Alice Cooper: If you were to ask anyone during Alice Cooper's reign of parental terror in the early '70s if he would one day go on national television and proclaim himself a born-again Christian, they would have laughed at you. But in the past decade, Cooper has reverted back to his Christian upbringing in suburban Michigan.

Joe Perry, Aerosmith: During the presidential election season of 2008, when most rockers were sporting Obama buttons and writing fiery songs in his honor, very few were coming out for Republican candidate John McCain. One vocal supporter was Aerosmith's Joe Perry, who took came out very vocally on McCain's side, citing his own right-wing working-class family history.

Megadeth: With Testament and Exodus, 6:30 p.m. tonight at Verizon Wireless Theater, 520 Texas (Bayou Place), 713-230-1600 or www.livenation.com.

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Craig Hlavaty
Contact: Craig Hlavaty