Pop Life

Dirty & Nasty Breaks Down Erykah Badu's "Window Seat" Video... The Naked One

The hip-hop world is a less than sensible place -lots of times, you're even required to clarify when bad means bad and when bad means good- so once a week we're going to get with a rapper and ask them to explain things. Have something you always wanted to ask a rapper? Email it to [email protected].

This Week's Rapper: Dirty and Nasty

This Week's Subject(s): Erykah Badu's video for "Window Seat" that has everyone Googling "Erykah Badu Window Seat" because they heard she gets naked in it; lobbing insults at Dallas.

AAR: Okay, everyone is going nuts for that new Erykah Badu video, the one where she gets completely naked while walking down the streets of Dallas. We figured you guys - being Dirty and Nasty and all - would be the right guys to help dissect this. A few points, give us your thoughts on each.

First, how lame is Dallas that they still have parking meters that accept coins? Weaksauce. They probably still have segregated bathrooms.

Dirty & Nasty, "Parking Lot Pimpin'"

Dirty & Nasty, "Parking Lot Pimpin'"

Nasty: Really, how lame is it that they rocking the black people mullet? Shag up.

Dirty: That's funny because I actually have a cousin living in Dallas who probably wouldn't stand for that whole being out of step with technology thing. Maybe that's because there isn't much of a Dallas to speak of.

AAR: Have you ever been envious of anyone living in Dallas before watching this? Because we haven't. But the possibility of this happening almost necessitates moving there.

N: Just one: Drea Anita Gwedolyn Roots. Usually Dallas is where dreams go to die. R.I.P. D Block.

AAR: Did you notice the guy in the beginning of the video that was picking up her stuff as she was taking it off? What happened to him? And how did he not know she was going to get naked? New rule: Anytime you see a woman begin to take off her coat and shoes while walking down the street, follow her. Even if she doesn't get naked, she's probably going to do something worth watching.

Dirty & Nasty, "Sex In the Beat"

Dirty & Nasty, "Sex In the Beat"

N: He probably went to relieve himself.

D: He probably was a women's clothing freak and he took it home for his viewing pleasure, I dunno [laughs].

AAR: Word is that this was all shot guerilla style; all of the people in the background had no idea what was going on. We don't know how we feel about that. We mean, nobody seemed to be paying her any mind while she was in her underwear. Thoughts?

N: Maybe that kinda ish happens in Dallas all the time; maybe D-Town ain't so lame.

D: I noticed that too and I figured, "Well, we already live in a society that can let people get beat up and shot without rendering aid, so a nice-looking chick getting naked wouldn't phase anyone too much."

AAR: That's a good point. After she gets shot, she gives that monologue about how people kill what they don't understand. How true is that? And is she trying to say that people don't understand why a black woman would get naked while walking down the street? We're not sure we understand that either.

Dirty & Nasty, "Whoooo!"

Dirty & Nasty, "Whoooo!"

N: People always try to block those that think outside of the box because they think it takes away from their shine. The sun is not less powerful or brilliant just because the moon steals some of its shine. This is our approach to music because we hold our own unique space in hip-hop.

D: My only serious answer for this interview and also the shortest: Look up Sarah Baartman on Wikipedia*.

AAR: Overall, on y'all's patented Dirty and Nasty Sliding Scale of Dirtiness and Nastiness, where does this video fall?

N: It ain't a Luke video, but I give it a 6 on the Dirty, Nasty and Classy scale.

D: I give it a 9.5, considering that I couldn't read the writing in her colorful blood.

*We did this after the interview. And yikes. [Ed. Note: Agreed. Whoa.]

Download Dirty and Nasty's
Stylin' & Profilin' EP free via dirtynasty.bandcamp.com.

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