—————————————————— Last Night: Mac Miller at Warehouse Live | Rocks Off | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


Last Night: Mac Miller at Warehouse Live

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11:04: He's doing that song about having Nikes on his feet. The crowd hasn't died down once. Neat. Did you know that Mac Miller is the first guy in, like, 100 years or something to have his album, an independent album, land number one in the country? That's pretty impressive. Something about being the embodiment of hip-hop's DIY ethos. Something about hard work.

11:07: "If you sing along to this song, you'll have a 30 percent greater chance of getting laid." [laughter] Mac Miller is king of these kids. It's like he's everyone's best friend. You can argue that he isn't the greatest rapper alive, but you cannot argue that he isn't built perfectly for the role he plays right now. Something to be said for that.

11:10: That song with the video where they dress up like it's the 50s, that shit is super hype in concert. Best moment of the night.

11:23: ...and now he's playing the guitar. He touches on Weezer and Oasis, among other things. Then he gets up and plays a blues rift behind his head. Cool.

11:23:15: FYI, playing a guitar behind your head, while less than groundbreaking, is just about always impressive. More people should do more shit behind their heads. Try this: Next time you're out on date, be like, "Oh, excuse me one second, I need to make this really important call," then look your date right in the eyes, take out your phone, place it behind your head, then dial a number. Fuck me if that's not the illest date move of all-time.

11:45: Miller is coasting right now. It's kind of hard not to like him. He seems very genuine.

11:47: "Party on 5th Street," which samples "The 900 Number." New best moment of the night. These kids are going bonkers. This is a very good show. Ignore the pretense and ignore the academics and ignore the everything else. Turn your brain off. Mac is tough. Dang.

11:51: Jackson Five is playing. This shit just keeps going.

Personal Bias: If you listen to it in spurts, Blue Slide Park is good even if you're not an affluent teenager.

The Crowd: Seriously?

Overheard in the Crowd: Probably something about not finishing Mrs. Park's algebra homework or whatever. Who knows. It's like they're speaking a different language.

Random Notebook Dump: Of course the omnipotent Bun showed up. Heretofore, he shall only ever be referred to as The Legend.

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Shea Serrano