Meet the 2012 HPMA Showcase Nominees: Espantapajaros

Rocks Off reached out to the artists playing this year's Houston Press Music Awards showcase Sunday, August 5, and asked them to introduce themselves. Here's what they sent back.

Catch up with the other showcase nominees and see the rest of our HPMA coverage

Rocks Off: When and where was your first gig in Houston, and how did it go?

Espantapajaros: Houston International Festival 2008. It was a great way for the band to start showcasing its music to the city, and being an international band with international members, a very fitting venue.

RO: What Houston-area venues do you play most often?

E: Fitzgerald's, Mango's, Walter's.

RO: How often do you play in the area?

E: At least once a month, up to 3-4 times a month.

RO: Describe your sound in eight words or less.

E: Thick Rock framework in '60s-inspired psychedelia. (Quoted from Joey Guerra and very fitting)

RO: How did you come up with your name?

E: You'll have to ask Pablo in person and pray for a response. I have not gotten one in four years.

RO: Where would you like yourself or your band to be in one year? Ten years? Forty?

E: Regardless of commercial success or lack thereof, I hope to see the band active. Playing live and recording. It's all that matters.

RO: What is one thing you'd like to do (as a musician) before you pack it in?

E: Nothing. They day I pack it in is the day I die.

Puzzle further over the origins of Espantapajaros' name on the band's Web site, Facebook, Twitter and ReverbNation.

Espantapajaros plays the HPMA showcase 8 p.m. Sunday, August 5 at Phul Court Sports Bar, 1311 Leeland.

Follow Rocks Off on Facebook and on Twitter at @HPRocksOff.

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Chris Gray has been Music Editor for the Houston Press since 2008. He is the proud father of a Beatles-loving toddler named Oliver.
Contact: Chris Gray