Houston Music

Tell Us Who You'd Like to Win an HPMA

As we mentioned Thursday, Houston’s music scene is so vast that when we draft the Houston Press Music Awards ballot each year, unfortunately a few deserving artists are bound to slip through our dragnet. That’s precisely why we created the Reader’s Choice category; it’s an opportunity for our readers to throw their support behind the equally deserving acts we might have missed.

Now that’s what we’re asking you to do here. If your favorite act somehow didn’t appear on Thursday’s ballot, now is the time to speak up. We’d prefer the votes be left on the comment scroll on this article, but if you’re more the Facebook type, that’s fine too. Just please help us out — one vote per person, and one artist per vote. By all means, though, encourage your friends to vote for their favorites too. Nominations will close at noon on Monday.
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Chris Gray has been Music Editor for the Houston Press since 2008. He is the proud father of a Beatles-loving toddler named Oliver.
Contact: Chris Gray