—————————————————— Possible Bad Weather on Election Day | Houston Press


Harris County Election Officials Prepare For Possible Bad Weather On Election Day

Election Day voters may be caught in a series of storms on their way to vote centers on Saturday.
Election Day voters may be caught in a series of storms on their way to vote centers on Saturday. Photo by Faith Bugenhagen
As Houston area voters head out to the more than 400 vote centers on Saturday in a last-ditch effort to cast their ballots in December’s runoff election, they may want to look at the weather radar.

According to meteorologists at Space City Weather, a strong cold front is expected to blow through the region between the afternoon and evening hours. These gusty, cooler winds bring a line of showers and thunderstorms.

Although the odds of severe weather are low, it's still possible that a few storms could push through, with the front accompanied by strong winds and some rainfall at one-half inch or more in some locations.

During a press conference held on Friday, Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth said that election workers are prepared for any inclement weather that could come to the area by working to dispatch generators as needed.

She said one of her main concerns is making sure that voters are ready and prepared and still come out despite the possible weather conditions expected to pop up throughout the day.

According to election officials, technicians in the field will have the equipment and deliver generators if those working at a vote center request one during any power outage or related issue. NRG Arena – Harris County’s central count headquarters – already has backup generators.

Hudspeth said that Saturday runoff elections are already different in terms of turnout when compared to November general elections on Tuesdays. Election officials anticipate roughly 17 percent of the registered voters arriving at the polls – but cannot determine the exact turnout ahead of Election Day.

“I don’t foresee anything [issues] other than voters getting out to vote tomorrow,” Hudspeth said

She added that updates and real-time information will be available on the county election department’s website.
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Faith Bugenhagen is on staff as a news reporter for The Houston Press, assigned to cover the Greater-Houston area.