Screwston, Texas

New Tracks From Roosh Williams, Jack Freeman, Roderickvonn, Etc.

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  • Jack Freeman's new video is out. It's for that "Figure It Out" track from his excellent EP, Dark Liquor. Know this: There is no better male R&B singer in Houston right now. Make a couple of right decisions, get a couple of coin-flips to go his way, and his name could very possibly become one that rings out on a larger scale.

One thing to note in the video: Notice how when he's singing he'll occasionally purse the left side of his mouth. That's exactly the kind of little mimic-able peccadillo every singer who wants to be taken seriously needs.

  • A former gangster rapper is giving back to the community this weekend at Bless Fest. Good story to read. Check it out here.
  • Thurogood Wordsmith released his first proper EP, The Appetizer. The artwork couldn't be more appropriate. Full review coming soon.
  • Remember JUZCOZ? Roderick Thornton, one half of the group, has been striking out on his own, and has been making some very enjoyable music. He's passed along a couple of MP3s for you to enjoy. Looking forward to his first solo project.

Roderickvonn, "Enlightenment"

Roderickvonn, "Enlightenment"

Roderickvonn, "Minimum Wage"

Roderickvonn, "Minimum Wage"

Thank you for the support. Have a safe weekend. And keep the emails coming, unless your music sucks. In that case, bugger off.

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