Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Seafood

A lobster ravioli for the table is always a good idea at this "Best Seafood" winner.
A lobster ravioli for the table is always a good idea at this "Best Seafood" winner. Photo by Caroline Fontenot
Best Seafood: Navy Blue

Swordfish Au Poivre. Clam Chowder in Puff Pastry, BBQ Shrimp and Charred Spanish Octopus. Those are just a few of the remarkable offerings at this fancy but not-too-so seafood spot from the skillful team behind stunning sibling spot Bludorn. Set in Rice Village, the modern American eatery gives a nod to the Texas Gulf Coast, showcasing its wonders at lunch, brunch and dinner, and through seasonal offerings like the hit summertime Fish Fry. As always with this restaurant team, you can expect top-level service, a superlative wine selection and not-to-be-skipped desserts to accompany your meal.

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